Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mesothelioma Video

In this video different types of mesothelioma are explained by a medical doctor. There are 5 types of mesothelioma.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Malignant Mesothelioma
Pericardial Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma
Benign Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma and ongoing research

Mesothelioma is one of the cancers where the survival rate of the victims is very less. Successful treatment is wholly dependent on how early it is diagnosed, but what makes the diagnosis difficult is the subtle nature of the symptoms in its early stages and only in the advanced stages the cancer shows up. So treating mesothelioma is mainly dependent on how early the disease is diagnosed.

 The traditional treatments have been so ineffective in treating mesothelioma and none of them were able to increase the survival rate of the victims by more than a few months. Mesothelioma research foundation of America is very focused on developing new and innovative treatments for this cancer. Some of them include

1)      New chemotherapy agents
2)      Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
3)      Immunotherapy
4)      Gene therapy

Mesothelioma rising in Mexico

Recent studies done my America journal of Industrial Medicine shows that the diagnoses of mesothelioma which are caused by asbestos exposure are raising in Mexico. Developed nations like EU and North America already banned or regulated the use of asbestos while many other countries still continue to use it.

Since there is no so much demand in developed nations, the asbestos sellers are trying to increase their exposure in developing countries. If Mexico has to contain their rising cases of mesothelioma they either have to ban or at least regulate the use of asbestos in industries.

Many cases diagnosed for mesothelioma are as a result of exposure to asbestos at work places and many workers are not very aware of the side effects of playing at workplaces which involved working with asbestos.

Mesothelioma and Corporate Lust

What is the reason for many mesothelioma cancer cases that are being registered every day? For me it is just corporate lust and nothing else. Corporates in the asbestos mining and manufacturing industry put profits before people and expose workers to asbestos putting their health at risk. Asbestos exposure cause mesothelioma cancer to those who exposed, but those people who were not well informed are suing their employers resulting in multiple asbestos lawsuits. Mesothelioma lawsuits are keeping lawyers from Houston, Ohio, San Diego, Texas lawyers busy with preparing the cases for the victims.

Mesothelioma symptoms are hard to diagnose. It results in loss of physical ability etc but the patients have to go through painful lung cancer treatments. 

UN members of Mesothelioma Cancer

A group of several United Nations members are putting their efforts to add chrysotile variety of asbestos to the world’s list of most hazardous substances. Canadian asbestos industry is the biggest loser if at all this happens. The Canadian asbestos industry supports several hundred workers.

Most of the asbestos from this industry is exported to the developing nations around the world where there are no proper regulations around handling on asbestos. Many are concerned that lack of regulations and inexperience in handling the asbestos material may expose many people to mesothelioma cancer in those nations.

Mesothelioma cancer is caused as a result of asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure also causes lung cancer and asbestosis. The symptoms of this cancer are very subtle and cannot be diagnosed until the disease is severe. It takes years for this cancer to develop in a person exposed to asbestos and is not something that is imminent. 
Many lawsuits have been filed around the world and especially in US there are hundreds of cases where the employers where sued for not informing the employees about the risks of asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma Claims

Mesothelioma cancer is caused solely for the reason of inhaling asbestos particles. Most of the affected people were working in asbestos industry. The airborne particles of asbestos when inhaled by the workers will ruin the mesothelium of the person or the protecting organs in the lungs. Most of the people work in such places because of employers greed as they intentionally keep the employees from knowing the suffering that comes with asbestos inhalation.

Since the employees develop this infection because of the employer’s negligence, they have a right to file mesothelioma claims against the employers. Several laws and regulations have been put in place because of such risk of working with asbestos. Any employee can file a “mesothelioma claim” if he feels that malignant mesothelioma cancer is developed because of employers negligence. 

Mesothelioma claims are nothing but lawsuits filed by people who developed mesothelioma to pay for their treatment and suffering. Mesothelioma suffering is something which puts people through extreme emotional and physical pain. Mesothelioma claim should be filed in time after the diagnosis. The lawsuit case should be filed properly by the mesothelioma lawyers as there are many loop holes which the errant can try to use to not paying the mesothelioma claim.

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Mesothelioma Claims Options

Many times it is advisable to get advice from mesothelioma lawyers to build the mesothelioma cancer settlement claim. Following are some of the reason why mesothelioma claims can be made. 
1)    Lost income 
2)    Pain or suffering 
3)    Medical expenses 
4)    Failure to warn 
5)    Negligence 
6)    Loss of consortium 

Mesothelioma and Dentists

It is well know that people who are directly involved in activities where they come in touch with asbestos material are at high risk of developing mesothelioma cancer. Many think only people in construction industry are susceptible to this asbestos cancer and hence this was termed as a blue color disease. This is not true. There is another profession whose people are at the same risk – Dentists. Yes, dentists fae a high risk of developing mesothelioma.

Research says that there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is used in dentistry for casting rings. Continuous exposure to smaller quantity of asbestos could increase the number of times you inhale asbestos particles which increases your risk of developing asbestos mesothelioma cancer. Since the rooms in which dentists work are smaller, there is a higher risk of inhalation of asbestos fibers. 

Mesothelioma Law Firm Wants to Hear From Asbestos Victims

Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason have just launched their Facebook page and want to hear from others that have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. They kick off this week's invitation by asking readers to share how using hospice and home care services made a difference and allowed services to be given in the comfort of home versus a hospital.

The asbestos attorneys at Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason have just launched their Facebook page and are interested in hearing not only from past and current clients but from anyone whose life has been affected by mesothelioma. Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason (CPSM) is asking those diagnosed with mesothelioma to share their experiences with the goal of learning even more about providing the best representation and support possible to their clients.