Sunday, February 13, 2011

20 percent of Mesothelioma Cases Unreported

In a report published Monday, a mesothelioma lawyer in New York said that 20 percent of mesotheliomacases remain unreported.
A recent article in the journal of Environmental Health Perspectives estimated that for every four to five people worldwide who are diagnosed with mesothelioma, at least one case goes unreported. The mesothelioma attorney said even that number undercounts the true death toll of mesothelioma.
In a statement, Joseph W. Belluck said that mesothelioma is a deadly disease that has been underestimated for too long. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, which involves the protective lining that covers several internal body organs such as the pleura, abdomen and the heart. It is commonly caused by excessive exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos, on the other hand, is a naturally occurring mineral that became increasingly popular during the 19th and 20th centuries in a variety of building construction materials for insulation and as a fire-retardant. People who work in industries that mine, make or use asbestos products and those living near these industries commonly develop significant health problems attributed to the exposure.
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