Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mesothelioma symptoms visibility

Mesothelioma Patients suffers from chest pains, difficulties in breathing, anemia, bowl problem and various other problems. Doctors always suggest a regular health checkup. But due to the fact of sophisticated lifestyles we live in, we simply can not make that commitment. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer which is caused by asbestos. Mesothelioma patients are most probably worked in an asbestos environment, or inhale asbestos deadly fiber. People were not aware of the deadly effect asbestos cause, but when scientists found the dramatic result, they banned the thing.

Basically, mesothelioma is a very rare cancer, which forms malignant cells in the layers of internal organs such as lungs, abdominal cavity, and heart. However there is no connection of smoking with Mesothelioma. But smoking can stimulate other asbestos induced cancers. Mesothelioma is known as very aggressive cancer in which the cells in stars to divide uncontrollably and starts to invade and destroy other cells of the organs. Nearly 3000 people are diagnosed by Mesothelioma each year in American alone.

Doctors explain the symptoms are likely to get seen after many years. Therefore, people should do total health checkup once a year. With X-ray and CT scan, the detection of many diseases including mesothelioma is possible, although the prognosis is very poor. The life expectancy of the mesothelioma patients is from four months to eighteen months. However if the mesothelioma patient is below the danger stage, the life expectancy can be increased from two years to five years. Even though the doctors have not yet any conclusive reasons to prove how exactly asbestos causes mesothelioma, they have concluded that working in asbestos is very hazardous and cause mesothelioma.

Treatments like radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery are mostly practiced for treating mesothelioma patients. Out of which, chemotherapy is held as the best to increase the life expectancy which depends on the age and the stage of the disease.

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