Monday, March 7, 2011

Minimizing the exposure of Asbestos : Important 5 tips

Asbestos uses mainly for construction purposes as insulation for fiber proofing. Continues exposure to asbestos causes Mesothelioma lung cancer which may grow in 15 to 20 years. The people working the asbestos environment diagnose with the cancer whether they are in contact with the asbestos directly or indirectly. Continuously breathing or swallowing the asbestos particles over a period of time can cause several health hazards. Exposure to asbestos leads number of health problems, asbestos can be found in your home, in the backyard, in the old electricity board or in other part of the home.

However there are certain steps that you can minimize the exposure of asbestos, following given are some steps.

1. Asbestos can be in the insulation pipe, decomposed woods and other materials. Avoid disturbing the old waste materials such that it can contain high possible asbestos materials that can be dangerous for the health.

2. There are certain chances while repairing the house there might be some places like flooring, electrical boards, pipes where the asbestos can be heavily found. Cover all with the plastic and seal them while this will further minimize the exposure of asbestos.

3. When you are working in the asbestos usage industries take proper care wear protective suits and a mask that will not allow the asbestos particles get into your body while breathing. Take shower after working at the asbestos area so that all the asbestos particles attached to your body or in the cloth, in the shoes will be removed.

4. When moving the debris materials from the home cover all the debris if possible or keep the material wet such that water will reduce the asbestos exposure significantly.

5. Whenever the asbestos materials found in the home do not try to remove it by yourself contact the professional’s asbestos handlers, and do not even try to burn the debris until it examined thoroughly about the asbestos contain in it such that it should not become airborne.

As asbestos is known to be the naturally occurring minerals and it has many drawbacks that causes many several problems to human life. Continues working in the asbestos environment and not taking proper care is likely that the person can come in contact with the asbestos disease which may be affects the human body or his family members may be in danger. Therefore minimizing the exposure of asbestos is very much important.

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