Monday, March 7, 2011

Alternative cures to Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a malignant cancer and is incurable in general. There have been no permanent cures which have been found for mesothelioma and as a result, most of the available cures for the condition aim to either reduce the pain and the discomfort which is suffered by the patients, or tries to extend the post diagnosis time of the patients from one year to a longer period of time up to five years. Thus there is continuous research going on in the aim of finding more alternative cures for mesothelioma which can be permanently cure mesothelioma for good. There are many alternative cures that are being experimented with today and most of the mesothelioma patients are on at least one alternative mesothelioma cure therapy. Here are some of the most popular alternative mesothelioma cures today.

Firstly, there are Angiogenesis and Anti-angiogenesis drugs. One of the most common treatments for cancer is chemotherapy. Now though it is the most common treatment, it has many side effects too. This is because while doing chemotherapy a lot of healthy cells along with the cancer cells are killed as well, and this causes the subsequent side effects. As a result, some drugs have been developed which allows the doctors to kill juts the cancer cells without affecting any of the healthy ones. These are the drugs which have been mentioned above.

The next form of alternative therapy for mesothelioma is Immunotherapy or what is also known as biological therapy. This form of alternative therapy uses the body;s natural immune system to try and cure the disease. The doctors researching this have realized or rather discovered that the immune system of the body is able to make the very vital difference between the cells which are cancerous and the ones which are healthy. Thus it is able to remove and eradicate those cells which are cancerous and retain and repair those which can still be restored. The substances which are used in Immunotherapy are called biological response modifiers or BRMs. These basically try and change the way the immune system of the body deals with the cancer cells. This modification enhances the ability of the body to fight and remove the disease better than ever. Some of the biological response modifiers are cytokines and antibodies. The function of the biological response modifiers is to enhance the immune system of the body and help it to fight the disease better. Another function is the fact that they can remove some of the cancer cells and repair some of the damage which has been done to the body.

Another alternative therapy is PDT. This is Photodynamic therapy. This school of therapy believes that certain single celled creatures will die if they are treated with some kinds of photosensitive drugs and then, subsequently exposed to a light of a particular frequency.

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