Monday, March 7, 2011

An overview of Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial mesothelioma is the most rare form of the mesothelioma; it does affect the mesothelioma linings in heart. The initial symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are such as breathing difficulties, chest pain, fever, tiredness, palpitations and cough. Similar to all other mesothelioma types, there is no therapy for this type too. What doctors can do is only reducing the pain and distress of the symptoms and to help the patients having a comfortable and peaceful death.

The pericardial lining in the heart is took away for reducing the symptoms. The heart is most delicate part of the human body. It has a cover of a more delicate lining known as pericardium. That’s why this disease is known as pericardial mesothelioma because it does affect on pericardium. The initial symptoms are chest pains, tiredness, heart palpitations, persistent cough and breathing difficulties. As all these signs are general to other problems of heart, its difficult to make a diagnosis of this disease. Gradually, the lining of heart start to be thicker and fluids starts to fill up the heart. As well as it can also spread to other organs of the body.

In later stages of pericardial mesothelioma, the patient can not easily consume any liquid or food. The lungs can not function properly and the hitches in the intestine becomes more important. The heart conditions start to be worst and the patient can be get affected by a heart attack or a stroke. Death is the recovery and the remedy that the patient of mesothelioma pray for. The persons probably to catch this disease who are facing continuous disclosure to the risk factors such as –

Laborers and miners in Asbestos Industries
Workers on shipyards
Workers on Construction sites
Manufacturers of fire proof materials
Laborer and miners of Zeolite industries
Painters and cement mixers

Not just the people from above mentioned groups have a high chance of constricting the disease but their families do face the risk of contracting this disease too. The workers carry the asbestos fibers and asbestos dust in their clothes when they return to home and their families can be exposed to the disease. The workers have to take the precautions discussed below –

They have to use protective clothes on work.
They have to change the dresses and take a wash before returning home.
An expert must be employed for detecting the asbestos present in the home and surrounding if any.

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