Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Alternative cures to Mesothelioma

There is no standardized cure to any form of mesothelioma. Most of the cures are still in the evaluatory stage and until now no permanent cure has been discovered as yet. The different forms of treatment are mostly palliative in nature. Thus it is time to look for other avenues through which mesothelioma patients can lead a better and more comfortable life. These ways of alternative medicine do not reduce the amounts of asbestos in the body but they do help in improving the quality of life for the patients who try them. Often medicines cannot work and this is where the most unconventional cures step in to do their bit.

Firstly, there is acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine. This is a very popular alternative cure today and involves the use of needles in the particular pressure points on the body. This is said to improve the balance and the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood according to the ancient Chinese tradition. This provides relief from pain, inflammation and stress. Acupuncture is one of the most common alternative treatments for mesothelioma patients.
Aromatherapy uses lovely fragrances to influence the mental and subsequently the physical well being of the body. Liquids called essential oils are used and these contain concentrated oils from different plants. There are massages as well, using these oils.
Massages help to regulate the flow of blood and lymphatic flow as well. It also helps to relax the muscles, cure pain and benefit the nervous and digestive systems. Massaging also goes a long way in reducing stress levels.
Then there is the TENS Therapy. This is Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation. This is similar to acupuncture. However, in this procedure the body points are stimulated, not by using needles like acupuncture but mild electrical shocks. In TENS therapy, electrodes are used. Electrodes are used as an agent of stimulation. TENS Therapy is among the only alternative therapies that has been approved by the FDA. This basically implies that TENS has been certified to be a safe theory according to the regulations laid down by the FDA and is therefore recognized by insurance policies. However this does not make it a determined form of a cure.

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