Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Different ways to help Mesothelioma patient

There are many ways that can help mesothelioma patients lead a relatively pain free and healthy life. These alternatives do not cure the disease and are purely palliative in nature. These do not involve the use of any medicine and largely focus on mental well being as being the key to physical fitness.

Meditation has always been one of the most popular ways to combat stress and other psychological issues. It can cut down depression levels, a common affliction for cancer patients. Now it has been seen that at times meditation can even combat chronic pain and even slow down growth of the malignant tumors.

A healthy diet is essential for a mesothelioma patient as the treatments often involve side effects and can be energy sapping indeed. Thus dietary enhancements like vitamins, minerals, herbs and proteins can be very helpful. Some times when our natural diet can provide all the nutrients that our body requires, dietary supplements like extra proteins and vitamins are needed. Herbs can be very useful as well. For example, flaxseed, ginseng and garlic can be instrumental in lowering high blood pressure. But make sure that your doctor knows the supplements that you are consuming along with the medicines that have already been prescribed to you.

Yoga is an ancient therapy which has originated in the Indian subcontinent and is recognized as a form of exercise that can be both mentally and physically palliative. There are numerous yoga techniques that can help you to calm down your mind and lead to a general improvement in health as well. There are breathing techniques as well as certain asanas or postures that improve flexibility.

Lastly there is something called pet therapy. This is also called Animal Therapy. Here the patients are made to interact with different animals in an effort to make them feel happier. To display love and affection towards animals and in turn, to receive unconditional love from them, can make patients feel much happier. To take a dog for a short walk, or to play with a cat… all these ways of interaction are a part of Animal or pet therapy. There are certain scientific reasons behind this as well. Interaction with animals also involves a small amount of physical activity. This physical activity can go a long way in helping a patient recover from infirmities which might be plaguing him.

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