Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Diet for Mesothelioma patients

Mesothelioma is such a disease for which it is of vital importance that the patients should take care not to aggravate their intensely delicate condition by consuming anything that should harm their system. Most of the cures for mesothelioma have chances of relapse and some are purely palliative in nature. As of such, there is no cure that guarantees a complete removal of the disease from your system. Therefore patients must strive to keep themselves healthy in all other ways possible. One of the best things is to eat well.

This is because as we all know, the nutrients from the food we eat enhance our immunity and equip our body to fight diseases. Therefore a balanced diet containing all the nutrients in the right proportions is vital. The diet of a mesothelioma patient should have whole grains, proteins, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. This will keep the body going against all the weakening forces that the cancer brings along with it.

Since there are different ways of treatment, some of which are often experimental, the drugs used during these procedures not only kill the cancerous cells but some of the healthy cells as well. This leads to a weakening of the body. There are also numerous side effects that patients often experience during the course of the treatment. These could be anything from nausea to diarrhea. Therefore in such times, one must eat mild food like whole grain toast which will not affect the stomach and will reduce vomiting. If there is constipation then one should have a lot of fibrous food like apples, oatmeal or broccoli. Proteins should form an important part of the diet as well. There should be egg whites, beans, milk and lean meat as part of daily consumption.

Radiation therapy is a major part of the mesothelioma treatment and causes vomiting, appetite loss, which subsequently lead to a loss of energy. Thus patients should eat calorie rich food to keep standing. One should consume very limited amounts of alcohol, salt as well as caffeine. The best course of action is to take help from a doctor or a dietician who can offer informed advice as to what can be eaten and what should not be during the course of the treatment.

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