Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mesothelioma Video

In this video different types of mesothelioma are explained by a medical doctor. There are 5 types of mesothelioma.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Malignant Mesothelioma
Pericardial Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma
Benign Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma and ongoing research

Mesothelioma is one of the cancers where the survival rate of the victims is very less. Successful treatment is wholly dependent on how early it is diagnosed, but what makes the diagnosis difficult is the subtle nature of the symptoms in its early stages and only in the advanced stages the cancer shows up. So treating mesothelioma is mainly dependent on how early the disease is diagnosed.

 The traditional treatments have been so ineffective in treating mesothelioma and none of them were able to increase the survival rate of the victims by more than a few months. Mesothelioma research foundation of America is very focused on developing new and innovative treatments for this cancer. Some of them include

1)      New chemotherapy agents
2)      Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
3)      Immunotherapy
4)      Gene therapy

Mesothelioma rising in Mexico

Recent studies done my America journal of Industrial Medicine shows that the diagnoses of mesothelioma which are caused by asbestos exposure are raising in Mexico. Developed nations like EU and North America already banned or regulated the use of asbestos while many other countries still continue to use it.

Since there is no so much demand in developed nations, the asbestos sellers are trying to increase their exposure in developing countries. If Mexico has to contain their rising cases of mesothelioma they either have to ban or at least regulate the use of asbestos in industries.

Many cases diagnosed for mesothelioma are as a result of exposure to asbestos at work places and many workers are not very aware of the side effects of playing at workplaces which involved working with asbestos.

Mesothelioma and Corporate Lust

What is the reason for many mesothelioma cancer cases that are being registered every day? For me it is just corporate lust and nothing else. Corporates in the asbestos mining and manufacturing industry put profits before people and expose workers to asbestos putting their health at risk. Asbestos exposure cause mesothelioma cancer to those who exposed, but those people who were not well informed are suing their employers resulting in multiple asbestos lawsuits. Mesothelioma lawsuits are keeping lawyers from Houston, Ohio, San Diego, Texas lawyers busy with preparing the cases for the victims.

Mesothelioma symptoms are hard to diagnose. It results in loss of physical ability etc but the patients have to go through painful lung cancer treatments. 

UN members of Mesothelioma Cancer

A group of several United Nations members are putting their efforts to add chrysotile variety of asbestos to the world’s list of most hazardous substances. Canadian asbestos industry is the biggest loser if at all this happens. The Canadian asbestos industry supports several hundred workers.

Most of the asbestos from this industry is exported to the developing nations around the world where there are no proper regulations around handling on asbestos. Many are concerned that lack of regulations and inexperience in handling the asbestos material may expose many people to mesothelioma cancer in those nations.

Mesothelioma cancer is caused as a result of asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure also causes lung cancer and asbestosis. The symptoms of this cancer are very subtle and cannot be diagnosed until the disease is severe. It takes years for this cancer to develop in a person exposed to asbestos and is not something that is imminent. 
Many lawsuits have been filed around the world and especially in US there are hundreds of cases where the employers where sued for not informing the employees about the risks of asbestos exposure.

Mesothelioma Claims

Mesothelioma cancer is caused solely for the reason of inhaling asbestos particles. Most of the affected people were working in asbestos industry. The airborne particles of asbestos when inhaled by the workers will ruin the mesothelium of the person or the protecting organs in the lungs. Most of the people work in such places because of employers greed as they intentionally keep the employees from knowing the suffering that comes with asbestos inhalation.

Since the employees develop this infection because of the employer’s negligence, they have a right to file mesothelioma claims against the employers. Several laws and regulations have been put in place because of such risk of working with asbestos. Any employee can file a “mesothelioma claim” if he feels that malignant mesothelioma cancer is developed because of employers negligence. 

Mesothelioma claims are nothing but lawsuits filed by people who developed mesothelioma to pay for their treatment and suffering. Mesothelioma suffering is something which puts people through extreme emotional and physical pain. Mesothelioma claim should be filed in time after the diagnosis. The lawsuit case should be filed properly by the mesothelioma lawyers as there are many loop holes which the errant can try to use to not paying the mesothelioma claim.

Article Source :

Mesothelioma Claims Options

Many times it is advisable to get advice from mesothelioma lawyers to build the mesothelioma cancer settlement claim. Following are some of the reason why mesothelioma claims can be made. 
1)    Lost income 
2)    Pain or suffering 
3)    Medical expenses 
4)    Failure to warn 
5)    Negligence 
6)    Loss of consortium 

Mesothelioma and Dentists

It is well know that people who are directly involved in activities where they come in touch with asbestos material are at high risk of developing mesothelioma cancer. Many think only people in construction industry are susceptible to this asbestos cancer and hence this was termed as a blue color disease. This is not true. There is another profession whose people are at the same risk – Dentists. Yes, dentists fae a high risk of developing mesothelioma.

Research says that there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is used in dentistry for casting rings. Continuous exposure to smaller quantity of asbestos could increase the number of times you inhale asbestos particles which increases your risk of developing asbestos mesothelioma cancer. Since the rooms in which dentists work are smaller, there is a higher risk of inhalation of asbestos fibers. 

Mesothelioma Law Firm Wants to Hear From Asbestos Victims

Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason have just launched their Facebook page and want to hear from others that have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. They kick off this week's invitation by asking readers to share how using hospice and home care services made a difference and allowed services to be given in the comfort of home versus a hospital.

The asbestos attorneys at Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason have just launched their Facebook page and are interested in hearing not only from past and current clients but from anyone whose life has been affected by mesothelioma. Clapper Patti Schweizer & Mason (CPSM) is asking those diagnosed with mesothelioma to share their experiences with the goal of learning even more about providing the best representation and support possible to their clients.

Monday, August 15, 2011

UK Mayor ends term with mesothelioma diagnosis

The area of Swindon, UK has seen years of British Railway work in its history. Unfortunately included in the rail works was toxic chemical asbestos, which was used in components of railway engines and associated equipment. Asbestos was prevalent in Swindon area railway works and commonly handled by workers in the area.

Asbestos causes several severe respiratory illnesses, including rare cancer mesothelioma. So many cases of mesothelioma have been diagnosed in former Swindon workers that the rare cancer has gained the nickname “Swindon disease.” Sadly, current Swindon Mayor Rex Barnett is the most recent patient of “Swindon disease.”

Diagnosed earlier this year with mesothelioma, it is believed Mayor Barnett began developing the disease during his employment with British Railway in the 1950s and 1960s. Mayor Barnett worked on repairs at the time that exposed him to asbestos fibers.

Characteristically, Mayor Barnett has undergone a long latency period, during which time malignant mesothelioma tumors spread through protective organ lining in irregular web like fashion.

Mesothelioma affects a growing number of people worldwide, according to World Health Organization. Although asbestos regulations have become more and more stringent in many countries, including UK, US, Australia and Japan, dozens of developing countries continue to use the toxic material without enforced safety precautions. About twenty thousand cases are currently reported annually; health officials estimate this number will quickly rise to ninety thousand if asbestos use is not halted.

Philadelphia legend succumbs to mesothelioma

The death of Frank Bender has left a hole in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was a prominent and well-respected local celebrity. Bender created clay busts of John and Jane Does solely by examining their skeletal remains, thereby helping investigators identify dozens of corpses. He was arguably the world's best-known forensic sculptor, until mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective lining of the body’s major organs and cavities caused by prolonged asbestos exposure, claimed his life.

Bender suffered from the most common type of this fatal cancer, pleural mesothelioma, which specifically affects the lining of the lungs. Bender suspected that he’d been exposed to asbestos while sleeping in a Navy destroyer escort's engine room in the 1950’s. Asbestos is used in shipbuilding, and navy mesothelioma, which affects many veterans, is a known result of living asbestos use in military vessels.

When Bender’s mesothelioma was diagnosed, doctors gave him only eight months to live, a not uncommon prognosis. That was in 2009. Bender remained healthy and very active through the first half of 2011, but by the beginning of the summer, his health began to deteriorate. Despite losing a large amount of weight and having increased difficulty breathing, Bender, at the age of 70, was determined to work one final case, that of a woman whose remains had been found a decade ago near Easton, Pennsylvania.

"I always wanted to serve a purpose," said Bender prior to his death. "It's only now I've realized what I've done." Although the artist will be greatly missed, it is comforting to know that he lived life to the fullest, inspired those around him and left his mark.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mesothelioma and other cancers not covered by Zadroga Bill

When the planes crashed into New York City’s World Trade Center, causing their eventual collapse, a cloud of toxic dust settled over Manhattan. Asbestos was just one of many chemical hazards that could be found floating in the air. This dangerous mineral fiber was used to manufacture a wide variety of construction materials throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, and prolonged exposure causes such fatal diseases as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the protective lining of the lungs, heart, chest and abdomen.

Chief Medical Officer of the Bureau of Health Services compiled a post-9/11 report that noted that 99% of all responding firefighters have since reported at least one respiratory illness related to working at ground zero. Plus New York residents have also seen an increase in respiratory issues since the attacks. Only 10 years later has the US government responded to treating 9/11 first responders by finally passing the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Law.

Former mayor campaigns for radiotherapy unit

The 72-year-old former mayor of Swindon, England, Rex Barnett, was diagnosed with mesothelioma in May, during his final week in office. This rare cancer of the protective lining of the body’s major cavities and organs is caused almost exclusively by prolonged asbestos exposure. It is believed that Barnett was exposed to asbestos during the eight years he spent working at the British Rail workshops.

The former mayor is suffering specifically from pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the lungs. When microscopic asbestos fibers are inhaled, they lodge in the lungs and remain for decades, causing the slow and silent development of asbestos cancer. Because the cancer is asymptomatic until it reaches stage three or four, it is often goes undetected until it is too late to save the patient’s life, making the average life expectancy for a mesothelioma patient between six and 18 months past diagnosis.

Mayor Barnett is undergoing chemotherapy every three weeks. Mesothelioma treatment usually combines chemotherapy with either surgery or radiotherapy. Although Barnett will not be undergoing radiation, believes a radiotherapy unit in Swindon would be a huge help for the town’s cancer patients.

“Radiotherapy takes just a few minutes to have done, but Oxford is really a long way to go and it is very tiring for patients,” says Barnett. “I know the PCT (Primary Care Trust) have been looking into having radiotherapy here in Swindon for a long time. Everybody would love to have it but there is just a question mark over the amount of cash it is going to cost, plus getting the staff and a suitable building.”


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

School Board Directors to Re-Advertise for Asbestos Removal

Even with construction projects on-hold in a local school district, board directors approved for potentially-harmful fibers to be removed from two schools.

Armstrong School District board directors approved advertising for asbestos abatement within Ford City Jr. –Sr. High School and Kittanning Sr. High School – two schools which will possibly be renovated in the current construction plan – potentially this summer.

According to previous advertisements, asbestos removal at Ford City Jr. – Sr. High School is estimated to cost $350,000. The same work is to cost approximately $450,000 at Kittanning Sr. High School.

Directors previously advertised for bidders last month, but bids were not opened because it is unknown whether the construction projects will proceed. The projects are currently on-hold pending a Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Act 34 public hearing at Elderton High School Thursday, April 28 at 7PM.

Asbestos abatement must be done before the construction projects can begin, but is not reimbursable through the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Action to seek bids for both schools was passed 5-4 with Board Members Chris Choncek, James Rearic, Joseph Close and Steven Kozuch voting against the action.
Choncek explained why he voted to seek results from Thursday’s hearing on construction projects before deciding on the abatement.

“The state’s not sure, and everyone’s not sure if this is going to go through -that we’re going to get the reimbursement – so until that is determined from this Act 34 state-sponsored hearing, stop all the projects involved in this renovation because they would not be doing the asbestos abatement if it was not for the renovation project,” Choncek said.

Board directors have not discussed a contingency plan if construction plans are not approved by the state, which Choncek said might alter some board members’ plans.

“If we don’t get reimbursed and they don’t approve the project, obviously some of that stuff is going to have to change,” Choncek said.

According to PDE, Departmental approval of PlanCon Part F (construction documents) for a project does not guarantee reimbursement for that project. A project is deemed eligible for reimbursement only upon written Departmental approval of PlanCon Part G, Project Accounting Based on Bids.
Because the asbestos removal could potentially be done at a different time than the construction projects, Board Member Steven Kozuch said he is not in the board majority that approved the asbestos bidding.

“I have not backed the separation of the asbestos abatement from the project from Day One when it was first proposed,” Kozuch said. “I’m in favor of it being done, but I wasn’t in favor of it being separate from the rest of the project.”

L.R. Kimball architects will advertise for the asbestos removal three times before bids are opened.

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Former Bills player faces asbestos charge

A Buffalo firefighter who briefly played fullback for the Buffalo Bills was criminally charged on Friday with illegally handling asbestos.

Sean P. Doctor, 44, of Buffalo, was charged with a felony violation of the federal Clean Air Act, the U. S. Attorney’s office said.

In addition to working as a city firefighter, Doctor owns and operates a Grand Islandbased asbestos removal firm called S. D. Specialty Services, according to prosecutor Aaron J. Mango and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Investigators from the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the state Department of Environmental Conservation said they conducted a court-authorized raid on the company’s property at 1815 Love Road.

Investigators found a “significant amount” of asbestos waste that had not been properly secured, labeled or disposed of, EPA Special Agents Justus Derx said in court papers after the April 19 raid.

Asbestos that is not wetted down, put into secure bags and disposed of could be blown about by the wind and cause health problems for people who live near the Love Road property, authorities said.

“Through investigation, it was determined that the asbestos-containing material on the site came from projects that [Doctor] had worked on,” Mango said.

Before joining the Fire Department, Doctor was a football star for Marshall University. He was drafted by the Bills in April 1989. After a suspension for steroid use, he played briefly for the team before he was cut early in the 1990 season.

“Sean is a wonderful guy who does a good job on asbestos removal,” Doctor’s attorney, Michael T. Kelly, told The Buffalo News. “The rules and regulations on handling asbestos are absolutely mind-boggling. I do feel that he will be cleared of these charges.”

During a court appearance Friday before Magistrate Judge H. Kenneth Schroeder Jr., Mango said state safety inspectors recently found that employees who worked for Doctor on a project in Watertown were not using required safety equipment.

Doctor was released on nonfinancial bond while he awaits further proceedings.

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Fitness fruits of cultivating your own garden

Spring is here and people everywhere are getting back to their gardens.

Experts say whether you're planting lilacs, squash or roses when it comes to the fitness benefits of all that pulling, digging, mulching and mowing, you'll reap what you sow.

"You get exercise whether you're mowing the lawn or planting a flower garden," said Bruce Butterfield, market research director of the nonprofit National Gardening Association (NGA).

"Some of it is more rigorous, some less," he added.

Last year about 68 per cent of all U.S. households participated in one or more types of do-it yourself lawn and garden activities, according to a national Harris Poll conducted by the NGA.

"That's about 80 million households," Butterfield said.

And a 2009 poll found that of those, 38 per cent gave gardening a green thumbs up as a great form of exercise.

The effort involved in planting a garden, such as standing, stooping, kneeling, watering, and weeding, can burn more than 300 calories an hour, according to the American College of Sports Medicine's (ACSM) Health and Fitness Journal.

Neal Pire, an exercise physiologist with ACSM, said lower back stress is the most common weed in the fitness garden, especially if, after a winter of inactivity, you run outdoors on first day of spring to garden the day away.

"Start slowly," he advises, "and progress a little more each successive day."

Jeffrey Restuccio, author of book "Get Fit Through Gardening," is a martial arts expert keen to transform gardening, generally categorized as a moderate-intensity exercise, into a comprehensive fitness program.

Man exposed workers to asbestos

A man who exposed his young, inexperienced workers to asbestos without providing them with the proper gear has dodged a prison sentence.

Arthur Moore was ordered to stop his asbestos abatement business in an August 2010 ruling by a B.C. Supreme Court judge.

But he continued to carry on work, sometimes using recovering drug and alcohol addicts from the Lion Wellness Recovery House in Surrey, where some clients are required to find a job as part of their recovery program.

WorkSafe B.C. made an application to have Moore found in contempt of court and sentenced to up to 120 days in jail for continuing to do asbestos work despite the injunction.

Justice Jeanne Watchuk dismissed WorkSafe B.C.'s application on a technicality in her B.C. Supreme Court ruling dated April 11 this year.

Watchuk found Moore would get his vulnerable, young workers to remove asbestos from jobs he had successfully bid on "without providing protective equipment to his employees."

Asbestos was a popular building material for its fire-retardant properties up to the 1970s. That changed when it was determined asbestos is a slow killer, claiming its victims 10 to 20 years after they were exposed to the substance.

It is the biggest cause of workrelated deaths in B.C. -53 of the 121 death claims in B.C. in 2009 were asbestos-related.

Although Watchuk found Moore "poses a significant public safety concern" and "targeted ... vulnerable workers," she dismissed the application to have him jailed.

Asbestos Sampling Guidelines for the Prediction of Mesothelioma

Despite its established threat to human health, asbestos was once extensively used in construction and manufacturing projects. Although asbestos use is now firmly regulated in the United States, construction projects are often conducted at sites where the mineral naturally occurs or at buildings where asbestos products were used. Sampling tests are commonly used to estimate the amount of asbestos disturbed by the construction as well as the health risk posed to workers.

Samples taken from asbestos worksites are most commonly used to assess the risk for construction workers, individuals who pass through the worksites during construction, workers employed at the finished worksite and residents who live near the area. Calculations project the risk of developing an asbestos-related illness such as malignant mesothelioma, as well as absolute risk, which is the chance of death from a complication of cumulative asbestos exposure.

Risk assessments for asbestos-related diseases are based on the level and extent of a person’s asbestos exposure. Extent includes the number of hours per day, days per year and total years that were spent in an asbestos-contaminated worksite. While extent varies from person to person, the precise level of exposure at a given worksite is determined by analyzing an air or soil sample.

The soil collection method currently used is the Berman and Crump approach. During this process, a soil sample is suspended in a machine called an elutriator. The filters in the machine collect the particles. A microscopic evaluation of the filters projects an estimate of asbestos concentrations in the soil. The modified elutriator method, adopted in 2000, uses the number of overall asbestos structures in the soil to also anticipate the quantity of airborne asbestos.

In September 2008, a new air sampling approach was introduced to more closely reflect the conditions created by the actual construction process. This approach analyzes breathing zone samples taken after soil is mechanically disturbed. Known as activity-based sampling, this method more adequately reflects the risk of asbestos inhalation during common construction activities.

After sampling has been conducted, data quality must be considered and reports must be checked for completion. This process ensures the submission of an accurate report for publication.

Additional information on asbestos and its role in the development of mesothelioma may be found through the Mesothelioma Center.

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Surgery is Inappropriate for Some Mesothelioma Patients

Patients with non-epithelial mesothelioma and lymph node involvement are poor candidates for the extensive surgical procedure known as extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP), according to a new study.

That’s the finding of a new article published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology. Researchers from the Baird Institute for Applied Heart and Lung Surgical Research in Sydney, Australia analyzed the current literature on EPP for malignant pleural mesothelioma. They examined the patient selection process and overall survival of surgical patients in major referral centers where EPP is performed.

The most serious of the asbestos cancers, mesothelioma tends to spread quickly and is notoriously resistant to standard treatments. Clinical trials across the globe have confirmed that the best mesothelioma outcomes are seen in patients who undergo EPP, followed by adjuvant therapies such as chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.

In the new review article, seventeen studies from 13 institutions were found to offer the most complete and up-to-date information for analysis. The authors report that “a number of quantitative, clinical and treatment-related factors were identified to have significant impact on overall survival.”

While the researchers found marked differences in the way different institutions select mesothelioma patients for surgery, they found that, across the board, patients who had sarcomatoid or biphasic mesothelioma did not fair as well after surgery as those who had the epithelioid type. Likewise, mesothelioma patients whose cancer had spread to their lymph nodes also did not do as well after surgery as patients whose tumors were confined to the mesothelium. In their conclusion, the researchers suggest that these patients be excluded from consideration for EPP.

EPP, which involves removing not only the cancerous tissue but, often, a lung or portion of a lung, carries serious risk of complication or even death. Careful selection of mesothelioma surgical candidates, say the study’s authors, not only improves outcomes for the right patients, but protects those who are not good surgical candidates from undergoing a risky operation for limited benefit.

Cao, C et al, “Summary of Prognostic Factors and Patient Selection for Extrapleural Pneumonectomy int eh Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma”, April 22, 2011, Annals of Surgical Oncology.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rehabilitation of Mesothelioma patients

Cancer is a serious issue and many cancer surviving patients persists to rise, and many have rehabilitation needs. Cancer rehabilitation deals with both biomedical and psychosocial aspects. The scope of rehabilitation is described as: “a process aimed at enabling persons with disabilities to reach and maintain their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, psychiatric and/or social functional levels…” by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A number of people are living with malignant mesothelioma and fighting the disease as best they can. There is a great contribution by many professionals, hospital physicians and general practitioner in cancer rehabilitation. Successful rehabilitation requires efficient organization. The highest priority for the people diagnosed with mesothelioma, an asbestos-related cancer of the lining of the lung (pleura) or the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum), is finding a reliable source of information about the disease itself and the medical options available for it. The mesothelioma rehabilitation centers help you to take the necessary steps to find the options that are best suited to your individual needs. They deal with mesothelioma patients and their family members, and provide the service that is always with appreciation for the difficult time they are facing.

As said by Samuel Smiles -“Hope is the companion of power, and the mother of success; for who so hopes strongly, has within him the gift of miracles.” Rehabilitation centers provide every patient with a boost of hope that helps patients to fight and develops a willingness to survive. They discuss ways to find specialists who treat mesothelioma and give some advice on choosing the best doctor.

New approaches to malignant mesothelioma

Nowadays new approaches to treat malignant mesothelioma are being tested. They merge traditional treatments or include something entirely new. These new treatments include angiogenesis and anti-angiogenesis drugs. Although development has been made in the early detection of cancer and improved treatment options, mesothelioma can not be cured and remain difficult to treat effectively. Researchers have shown how cancer cells differ from normal cells. Certain drugs used in chemotherapy have severe side effects on your body. Anti-angiogenesis drugs have no side effects and they target the tumor itself sparing the body’s normal cells.

Immunotherapy is another type of mesothelioma treatment. It is also called as biological therapy. This therapy uses the body’s own immune system to protect itself against disease. Immune system is able to identify the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells. It is also able to eliminate the cells that become cancerous. Immunotherapy is intended to restore, stimulate, or enhance the immune system’s natural anticancer function.

A hazardous mineral asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral known to have toxic properties. It was once used on a very large scale for ceilings, wall tiles, insulation and auto breaks. It was widely used in cement in the construction industries as it was resistant to heat, was durable, flexible and had good tensile strength. But asbestos is a very hazardous and potentially a fatal substance.

The use of asbestos in industries lead to dangerous diseases caused due to the inhalation of asbestos particles. Many workers working in the industries were unaware of this. One of the fatal diseases caused by this is mesothelioma. It may also lead to other problems such as asbestosis, lung cancer and fatal respiratory illnesses that incapacitate their victims.

In the twentieth century, medical researchers observed that a large number of deaths and lung problems occurred in asbestos mining towns. Investigations showed that thirty percent of the workers had asbestos-related lung disease. It takes a long time for asbestos to show its effects. The symptoms shown by them are also very common as shown by others diseases. Because of these problems it becomes very difficult to diagnose the fatal diseases like mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis.

Pleural mesothelioma and its treatment options

Mesothelioma is a critical and fatal cancer. It is caused by direct exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma cancer is categorized into three categories: pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma. This destructive cancer damages the mesothelium which is a membrane that forms the lining of several body cavities like the pleural (thoracal cavity), peritoneum (abdominal cavity) and pericardium (heart sac).

Pleural mesothelioma

Pleural mesothelioma is one of the most common forms of mesothelioma. More than 75% of victims fall in this category. This cancer affects the outer lining of the lungs and the chest cavity and makes it thicket. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are very common like difficulty in breathing, pain in the chest, fatigue, swelling of the face and neck, trouble when swallowing, cough and weight loss. These symptoms are shown by other diseases also and hence it becomes difficult to diagnose this cancer. Lining of the lungs are made up of two layers, parietal which covers the chest wall and visceral which covers the lungs. Mesothelium cells grow and produce a tumor which enlarges the space, causing it to fill with fluid. This extra thickness in layers is known as pleural effusion which leads to discomfort and pain in the chest. The pain may also be felt in the arms and the shoulders.

Treat Mesothelioma with Palliative Therapy

Palliative care is a contemporary and advanced method of treating and helping the patients diagnosed with fatal diseases. This treatment endeavor to ease the psychological problems related with the illnesses.


Mesothelioma is a slow growing disease and cannot be diagnosed in the early stages. The symptoms are also very common which are to be mistaken with some other disease. But with the time the symptoms too become severe. Palliative treatments treat mesothelioma using measures that reduce symptoms. This treatment is not capable of curing the cancer but definitely improves the quality of life. It helps in psychological, social, and spiritual needs of patients and their families. This form of treatment is also known as comfort care, supportive care or symptom management.

Palliative treatment help the patients deal with the disease by various modes of treatments such as medication, cognitive and behavioral therapy. This therapy is used in conjunction with other forms of traditional treatment for mesothelioma like radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Palliative therapy comprises of pain management course like pain killers, stress management, meditation and massage therapy. To optimize the patient care there is an open communication for the patient and his family. This therapy takes the traditional role for the patient in the last stage of the cancer.

The common palliative procedures for the treatment of mesothelioma are Chest Tube Drainage and Pleurodesis, Pleuroperitoneal Shunt, Alcohol injection, Palliative radiation therapy and Pain medications. In Chest Tube Drainage and Pleurodesis the fluid built-up due to pleural effusion, one of the symptoms of mesothelioma, is drained out of the chest cavity with the help of chest tube. The pleural space is closed by use of talc slurry or other agent which yields an adhesion.

Mesothelioma and its Stages

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer. It arises due to the inhalation of asbestos or coming in contact with it. In mesothelioma a malignant tumor develops in the mesothelial tissues of the lungs and the abdomen. A number of people are not aware of this deadly disease. Many people and even the physicians are not able to diagnose its symptoms as they are analogous to the symptoms of other diseases. It takes decades to develop mesothelioma, almost forty to fifty years. This cancer is already in the advanced state, when the symptoms are evident. According to the stages of cancer the treatment choices differ. The extent of the disease and its different stages must be known to the patient.

Pleural mesothelioma (lungs) includes two stage systems: TNM system and Brighan system. These systems are commonly used in other kinds of cancers. TNM system is also used in Peritoneal Mesothelioma (abdominal) as this cancer has no definite staging system. Tumor, lymph nodes and metastasis are three variables of TNM system. In stage I of mesothelioma, the malignant mesothelioma cells begin to grow on one layer of pleura. Pleura are the membrane that encircles the lungs and outlines the wall of the chest cavity. In some cases, in this stage the pericardium membrane and the diaphragm cover are already affected.

In stage II of mesothelioma, the two layers of the pleura are already affected by the cancerous cells. In this stage only one side of the body is affected. Pleura generates a small amount of lubricating fluid. This fluid allows easy expanding and contracting of the lungs. The extra fluid is absorbed by the blood and the lymph vessels. In the second stage, this fluid gets filled in the pleural space between the lungs and the chest wall that leads to pleural effusion. This results in problems like shortness of breathing and chest pain. It may also lead to dry and persistent cough.

Mesothelioma symptoms visibility

Mesothelioma Patients suffers from chest pains, difficulties in breathing, anemia, bowl problem and various other problems. Doctors always suggest a regular health checkup. But due to the fact of sophisticated lifestyles we live in, we simply can not make that commitment. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer which is caused by asbestos. Mesothelioma patients are most probably worked in an asbestos environment, or inhale asbestos deadly fiber. People were not aware of the deadly effect asbestos cause, but when scientists found the dramatic result, they banned the thing.

Basically, mesothelioma is a very rare cancer, which forms malignant cells in the layers of internal organs such as lungs, abdominal cavity, and heart. However there is no connection of smoking with Mesothelioma. But smoking can stimulate other asbestos induced cancers. Mesothelioma is known as very aggressive cancer in which the cells in stars to divide uncontrollably and starts to invade and destroy other cells of the organs. Nearly 3000 people are diagnosed by Mesothelioma each year in American alone.

Doctors explain the symptoms are likely to get seen after many years. Therefore, people should do total health checkup once a year. With X-ray and CT scan, the detection of many diseases including mesothelioma is possible, although the prognosis is very poor. The life expectancy of the mesothelioma patients is from four months to eighteen months. However if the mesothelioma patient is below the danger stage, the life expectancy can be increased from two years to five years. Even though the doctors have not yet any conclusive reasons to prove how exactly asbestos causes mesothelioma, they have concluded that working in asbestos is very hazardous and cause mesothelioma.

Treatments like radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery are mostly practiced for treating mesothelioma patients. Out of which, chemotherapy is held as the best to increase the life expectancy which depends on the age and the stage of the disease.

Coping with the Mesothelioma cancer

Mesothelioma is a very rare cancer which was seen in many people who worked in a asbestos environment in their working atmosphere. Due to the face that asbestos was the main reason to form mesothelioma cancer in the body; the government banned the use of asbestos in the industries and working areas. Coping with cancer is very overwhelming experience that can not be described. Mesothelioma patients generally fall apart whenever they are diagnosed. Even a non-smoker can suffer from mesothelioma if he works in asbestos environment. Without a delay, every people should do a regular checkup to avoid late detection on many diseases, and when it comes around for mesothelioma, the symptoms can never be seen for years. Then when the symptoms in mesothelioma start to get visible, it has probably crossed the stage when it is too late to do successful treatment.

Mesothelioma cancers spread all over the internal organs very aggressively leaving nothing in its path. It is very dangerous and prognosis is pretty slim. However if the mesothelioma is detected in time, there could be strong hope. Treatments include Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery, and other Herbal/Ayurbedic treatment. Even the survival rate of mesothelioma is not more than two to five years; some mesothelioma patients are so strong they fight each moment with full emotional confidence, and this help to boost their psychological immunity to fight back this deadly cancer.

It is not certainly an easy to deal with the condition and the drama for mesothelioma patients. There is certainly a hope, and the medical treatments have advanced to deal with such fatal disease with new technology and medicines. Mesothelioma patients need more care and more support than before because they feel very demoralized and extremely alone. It is challenging task but that is the best way to give a hope, love and care to mesothelioma patients which can work psychologically much better than medicines.

Mesothelioma is a killer disease

Caring for mesothelioma patients can be very overwhelming because of emotional drama and family crisis that anyone was not expecting to experience. But it has happened and one got to deal with it and take the maximum care of mesothelioma patients. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by the harmful fiber called asbestos which are used in many industries and factories. People who worked under such environment suffered from mesothelioma cancers, and soon after scientists found the cause, Government banned that stuff from using them anywhere.

Nearly 3000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer each year in America. Things are quite worst in other countries as well. However, many mesothelioma patients have no history of smoking or chewing tobacco. So this concludes that smoking is not the only reason for mesothelioma cancer but the core reason behind this is the killer asbestos.

Mesothelioma patients go very dramatically weak, and emotionally alone, sad and very depressed. During such time family and friends need to coup with the situation, be there with the patients, talk to them, and create a happy atmosphere all around. In addition to this, the treatments such as Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Surgery are available to the mesothelioma patients. All these treatments, however, depend on the situation of patients’ health, their age, and the stage of the cancer. Generally, if the mesothelioma cancer is in its first stage and early second stage, the survival rate is very high. But the mesothelioma patients never know they have cancers until they do some special detection process by MRI, CT scan, X-ray, and do the bronchoscope. The symptoms are very rare, but they start to slowly appear in the patients. Symptoms like chest pain, difficulties in breathing, sudden weight loss, fatigue, continuous cough and others. These symptoms may or may not be visible once the cancer starts to spread. It takes years, maybe decade for symptoms to show up.

How Mesothelioma causes?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer, which is rare, and this is caused by toxic and extremely dangerous fiber asbestos. In most of the industries, the asbestos were used until scientists found that they give rise to the formation of cancerous cells in the body, especially in internal organs like lungs, abdominal cavity, and heart. Mesothelioma patients requires reliable source of information and medical attention for the best available treatment.

Mesothelioma diagnosis is done from various ways. X-rays, CT scans can diagnose a person whether he or she is suffering from mesothelioma or not. Then process may include a biopsy on of the area. Usually, the symptoms in mesothelioma patients may not be visible for decades, but someone who works constantly in asbestos environment; they are more likely to get mesothelioma cancer. Moreover, the symptoms could be related to other diseases. So it is better to do a full body checkup from time to time and become sure about one’s health. And a well experienced physician should be handling all of these treatments and check ups.

Mesothelioma patients need a special treatment, possible from reputed doctors. Finding hope and help could be very crucial from the patients. There is always a hope and miracle could happen, and it has happened before. In addition to it, mesothelioma patients need more care, support, love from friends and families. They are deep in need of attention during such crisis time.

Medical treatments for mesothelioma patients include Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation and other types of treatment. These treatments depend on the stage of mesothelioma cancer. The more stage it advances, the more difficult it becomes. The prognosis of mesothelioma is quite slim, but if it is detected in time, the survival rate can be increased, and sometime eliminate the cancer completely.

Hope for Mesothelioma patients

Mesothelioma patients have normally the option of three treatments. First one is Surgery, Second Chemotherapy and Third Radiation therapy. All of these treatments may or may not be that successful for the patient. But it has been seen in some cases when mesothelioma patients have longer life rate with the treatments. Besides the treatments, it is also about psychological treatment. Family and friends should take a great care of mesothelioma patients because during this dark hour, friends and family can create a light of hope to brighten up that hour.

Generally speaking, the symptoms in mesothelioma patients are breathing problem, chest paint, weight loss, fatigue, bowl problem, anemia and others. These symptoms may or may not be seen at the early stage in the patients. Scientists have already found that mesothelioma cancers are caused by constant inhale of the deadly fiber called asbestos which were used in many industries in twentieth century. Now the use of asbestos is completely banned. However, the smoking is not related to mesothelioma cancers but it may trigger to form cancer cells induced by asbestos.

People, who work in asbestos environment, are more likely to get this cancer. Although scientists are not yet able to find how exactly asbestos creates the formation cancerous cells in the internal organs, they have found that as soon as asbestos reached inside the lung by respiration, the development of mesothelioma cancer starts aggressively. Mesothelioma patients have very slim rate of survival, and the average rate of survival is not more than eighteen months. The treatment like chemotherapy is considered best to prolong lifespan to certain extent. There is always a hope, always a miracle waiting to happen. Mesothelioma patients should never give up and fight it back psychologically. There are many stories where mesothelioma patients fight it back, and lived more than ten years.

How to Detect Mesothelioma cancer

An intensive care and support is always most vital for mesothelioma patients. They sometime work more than medicine and doctor. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer. The main cause for this cancer is due to inhalation of dangerous fiber called asbestos which was used in many industries in twentieth century. These asbestos, when inhaled for long time, trigger the formation of malignant cells in the internal organs. Although scientists have no clue how exactly the asbestos works and creates this deadly cells. But they do know that as soon as asbestos reaches inside, there is big chance that the person, who inhaled the asbestos, will suffer from mesothelioma anytime soon.

Mesothelioma patients may have different symptoms such as consistent cough, chest pain, breathing problem, anemia, problem in bowl, sudden loss in weight and others. These symptoms are visible in the patients, but this may be related to other diseases. To confirm, there are various ways to find out. Doctors suggest doing CT scan, X-ray and MRI. Furthermore, a biopsy is suggested to make more confirmation. However, the symptoms are usually seen after many years, and at that time, it might be too late. A regular checkup in hospital, click from experienced doctors is always recommended.

The treatment of mesothelioma cancers are started as soon as they are diagnosed. Mesothelioma patients are given Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and do Surgery when possible. Surgery is done when the cancer is in its initial stage. When the cancer crosses second stage and reaches third, the mesothelioma patients are given chemotherapy which is very good and help in increase lifespan. However there are many other treatments which are practiced by doctors and other medical practitioners with mesothelioma patients. Those treatments have some benefits for some patients. Most importantly, the early detection is the way to eliminate the cancer from the root. With the positive attitude and confidence, mesothelioma patients can fight it and win the battle.

Asbestos victory at Supreme Court for families of cancer victims

Families fighting for compensation after loved ones died of an asbestos-related cancer won their battle yesterday.

The decision by Supreme Court appeal judges may help ­thousands more mesothelioma victims get payouts.
Judges ruled in favour of relatives of Dianne Willmore, 49, and Enid Costello, 74, who both died after suffering “low level” poisoning.

Mrs Willmore was exposed as a child to asbestos in school toilets in Huyton, Merseyside. Mrs Costello worked at a drum factory in ­Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. Widower Barre Willmore, now due £240,000, said: “Money isn’t everything.”

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Defining Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that attacks the mesothelium, which is a protecting layer surrounded to the majority internal organs involving the lungs, stomach and heart. There are two forms of Mesothelioma called benign and malignant. Though, less than 10% of incidences are benign. At least three known causes for Mesothelioma are there, which includes.

2011 Mesothelioma

1) Foremost cause is asbestos exposure, involving direct and indirect dealings.
2) Thorotrast that is Thorium Dioxide, employed in specific X-ray tests in the past.
3) A silicate mineral normally found in soil in Turkey’s Anatoli region called as Zeolite.

Diagnosis of Mesothelioma, particularly in the early stages, is the complicated proposition since the symptoms will reflect ordinary pains and aches are generally ignored until the disease has developed. Three main areas get affected by the malignant mesothelioma- lungs, abdominal cavity, and heart. Those are categorized as follows:

1) Most common form which affects the lungs is Pleural Mesothelioma.
2) Second is the Peritoneal Mesothelioma which affects the abdominal cavity.
3) Third is the most rare form that affects the heart is Pericardial Mesothelioma.

Each type shows its own unique symptoms, the majority of them remain undetected until the cancer has achieved deadly levels. Patients suffering through Pleural Mesothelioma can face chest pains, weight loss, fever, difficulty in breathing, persistent cough and swelling of the face and neck. Also in case of Peritoneal Mesothelioma, a few will experience nausea, weight loss, abdominal pains, and vomiting. Difficulties involves anemia, blood clotting problems, and bowel obstruction. Pericardial Mesothelioma causes short breathing, a persistent cough, chest pains, and heart palpitations. Similar in all three forms of the disease, the signs develop more serious with time and so far can still dodge diagnosis by being chalked up to other diseases with identical symptoms.

The dread substance: Asbestos

Asbestos is the substance that operates behind mesothelioma, the disease that you have been diagnosed with. Therefore you should know what it is all about and why asbestos, of all things should lead to the development of such malignancy within your substance. Remember that awareness is always the first step towards the solution to any issue whatsoever.

Asbestos is a mineral which is extremely toxic. Rather it is a group of minerals that occur in nature as a mass of strong fibers which can be separated into separate thinner fibers. It is an industrial substance and is used in products like cement. Brakes, roof shingles and insulation, among other things. Asbestos particles are airborne and are usually inhaled or consumed. So if you have unknowingly inhaled asbestos particles, then they have probably traveled through your lungs to reach the pleura or the lining of your lungs. This leads to the growth of the malignant growths there. Also, asbestos particles can also enter your body after being mixed with your saliva. Blue asbestos particles are much more cancerous than white asbestos fibers.

The shape and the size of the asbestos particles make it easier for them to penetrate the human system. This causes inflammation and intense damage to the cells in the body. Then these particles embed themselves in the lining of the organs, whichever that maybe. Since asbestos particles are generally inhaled, they usually lodge themselves in the pleura or the lining of the lungs.

Diet for Mesothelioma patients

Mesothelioma is such a disease for which it is of vital importance that the patients should take care not to aggravate their intensely delicate condition by consuming anything that should harm their system. Most of the cures for mesothelioma have chances of relapse and some are purely palliative in nature. As of such, there is no cure that guarantees a complete removal of the disease from your system. Therefore patients must strive to keep themselves healthy in all other ways possible. One of the best things is to eat well.

This is because as we all know, the nutrients from the food we eat enhance our immunity and equip our body to fight diseases. Therefore a balanced diet containing all the nutrients in the right proportions is vital. The diet of a mesothelioma patient should have whole grains, proteins, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. This will keep the body going against all the weakening forces that the cancer brings along with it.

Since there are different ways of treatment, some of which are often experimental, the drugs used during these procedures not only kill the cancerous cells but some of the healthy cells as well. This leads to a weakening of the body. There are also numerous side effects that patients often experience during the course of the treatment. These could be anything from nausea to diarrhea. Therefore in such times, one must eat mild food like whole grain toast which will not affect the stomach and will reduce vomiting. If there is constipation then one should have a lot of fibrous food like apples, oatmeal or broccoli. Proteins should form an important part of the diet as well. There should be egg whites, beans, milk and lean meat as part of daily consumption.

Radiation therapy is a major part of the mesothelioma treatment and causes vomiting, appetite loss, which subsequently lead to a loss of energy. Thus patients should eat calorie rich food to keep standing. One should consume very limited amounts of alcohol, salt as well as caffeine. The best course of action is to take help from a doctor or a dietician who can offer informed advice as to what can be eaten and what should not be during the course of the treatment.

Alternative cures to Mesothelioma

There is no standardized cure to any form of mesothelioma. Most of the cures are still in the evaluatory stage and until now no permanent cure has been discovered as yet. The different forms of treatment are mostly palliative in nature. Thus it is time to look for other avenues through which mesothelioma patients can lead a better and more comfortable life. These ways of alternative medicine do not reduce the amounts of asbestos in the body but they do help in improving the quality of life for the patients who try them. Often medicines cannot work and this is where the most unconventional cures step in to do their bit.

Firstly, there is acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine. This is a very popular alternative cure today and involves the use of needles in the particular pressure points on the body. This is said to improve the balance and the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood according to the ancient Chinese tradition. This provides relief from pain, inflammation and stress. Acupuncture is one of the most common alternative treatments for mesothelioma patients.
Aromatherapy uses lovely fragrances to influence the mental and subsequently the physical well being of the body. Liquids called essential oils are used and these contain concentrated oils from different plants. There are massages as well, using these oils.
Massages help to regulate the flow of blood and lymphatic flow as well. It also helps to relax the muscles, cure pain and benefit the nervous and digestive systems. Massaging also goes a long way in reducing stress levels.
Then there is the TENS Therapy. This is Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation. This is similar to acupuncture. However, in this procedure the body points are stimulated, not by using needles like acupuncture but mild electrical shocks. In TENS therapy, electrodes are used. Electrodes are used as an agent of stimulation. TENS Therapy is among the only alternative therapies that has been approved by the FDA. This basically implies that TENS has been certified to be a safe theory according to the regulations laid down by the FDA and is therefore recognized by insurance policies. However this does not make it a determined form of a cure.

Different ways to help Mesothelioma patient

There are many ways that can help mesothelioma patients lead a relatively pain free and healthy life. These alternatives do not cure the disease and are purely palliative in nature. These do not involve the use of any medicine and largely focus on mental well being as being the key to physical fitness.

Meditation has always been one of the most popular ways to combat stress and other psychological issues. It can cut down depression levels, a common affliction for cancer patients. Now it has been seen that at times meditation can even combat chronic pain and even slow down growth of the malignant tumors.

A healthy diet is essential for a mesothelioma patient as the treatments often involve side effects and can be energy sapping indeed. Thus dietary enhancements like vitamins, minerals, herbs and proteins can be very helpful. Some times when our natural diet can provide all the nutrients that our body requires, dietary supplements like extra proteins and vitamins are needed. Herbs can be very useful as well. For example, flaxseed, ginseng and garlic can be instrumental in lowering high blood pressure. But make sure that your doctor knows the supplements that you are consuming along with the medicines that have already been prescribed to you.

Yoga is an ancient therapy which has originated in the Indian subcontinent and is recognized as a form of exercise that can be both mentally and physically palliative. There are numerous yoga techniques that can help you to calm down your mind and lead to a general improvement in health as well. There are breathing techniques as well as certain asanas or postures that improve flexibility.

Lastly there is something called pet therapy. This is also called Animal Therapy. Here the patients are made to interact with different animals in an effort to make them feel happier. To display love and affection towards animals and in turn, to receive unconditional love from them, can make patients feel much happier. To take a dog for a short walk, or to play with a cat… all these ways of interaction are a part of Animal or pet therapy. There are certain scientific reasons behind this as well. Interaction with animals also involves a small amount of physical activity. This physical activity can go a long way in helping a patient recover from infirmities which might be plaguing him.

Legal issues concerning Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is caused due to direct or indirect exposure to the mineral called asbestos. This was formerly used as an industrial product and therefore thousands of workers and their families have died due to exposure to asbestos. Issues about the cancerous effects of asbestos were revealed as early as the 1930s. That basically meant that most of the owners of the companies were aware of the bad effects of asbestos and yet did not bother to take any measures to protect their employees. If you are a victim of such an inhuman atrocity then the law states that you can start litigation and file a complaint against such individuals in a court of law.

2011 Mesothelioma

Any case concerning mesothelioma or asbestos exposure works on the principle of contingency. This basically means that the lawyer defending the mesothelioma victim does not get paid any fees in advance. The lawyer or the law firm is paid a certain fraction of the settlement that is awarded to the victim by the guilty individuals. It is best to select a mesothelioma specialty law firm or an asbestos attorney. As the names suggest, they specialize in fighting such cases only. Once you have your choice the firm or the attorney will start documenting your case. This is done to prepare a motion which is the centre point of the entire proceedings concerning asbestos.

Asbestos Exposure in Homes in 2011 May Cause Mesothelioma in 2050

Unbeknownst to the majority of Americans, asbestos exposure continues to this day even in our homes. This exposure will likely cause mesothelioma until exposure is stopped. Exposure that occur today, because of the long latency period , will likely be responsible for mesothelioma in 2050.

Perhaps the most significant source of residence based exposure today occurs through the renovation of older homes. Much attention in the past has been focused on asbestos on piping and boiler components. This asbestos is easily identified and tested. A much more dangerous and insidious source of asbestos exposure, however, is that which results from demolishing or altering the drywall board panels that are ubiquitous throughout the United States. From the early 1960s through 1977, a large percentage of walls and ceilings constructed in homes and offices used asbestos containing joint compound to fill the seams or joints between wall board panels. In 1977, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) finally outlawed the use of asbestos in spackle and joint compound. According to the CPSC “inhalable asbestos in the household from consumer patching compounds…presents a great risk due to the presence in the household of persons, such as children, who may be particularly vulnerable to carcinogens.”

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mesothelioma Patients - 3

As more and more people are diagnosed with mesothelioma, the lawsuits against these corporations are increasing as well. Mesothelioma litigation started increasing in the late 1900s as all the people who had worked with asbestos since its entrance into industry in the late 1880s started displaying the symptoms. Today, it has reached its peak as not only workers, but even their families are being diagnosed with this condition. Billions and billions of dollars are being generated in the lawsuits that are being filed against these companies. Mesothelioma litigation has become a branch of legal specialization in itself. There are mesothelioma law firms and mesothelioma attorneys and lawyers who use their legal expertise in guiding mesothelioma patients to sue companies or individuals for the deliberate damage caused by asbestos exposure. This is a very lengthy and tedious process and often takes years and years to resolve since mesothelioma is such a delayed condition. Obviously the companies do not like being incriminated in such cases and they use their expansive pool of both financial and legal resources to fight the cases. So if you want to take legal action, do not delay. Make sure you get a competent mesothelioma law firm and begin your crusade.

Since mesothelioma is largely incurable, there are many other forms of palliative treatment that mesothelioma patients can opt for. These include aromatherapy, acupuncture, meditation and yoga. While these do not cure you of the condition, they keep you both physically and mentally happy. Another important thing is to eat well. Cancer treatments take a lot out of you and there are many weakening side effects as well. Thus you must have a proper balanced diet, which replenishes your body with all the important nutrients like proteins, vitamins and so on. Also make sure that you do not eat very oily and rich food, because this might lead to diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Do not let yourself succumb to the circumstances, no matter how painful they maybe. The latter is an all important thing that comes into play if you have a terminal condition. While expressions like "you must be brave" and "always think positive" sound clichéd and are very easy to say, it also holds true that having a strong personality and will power does indeed push away the inevitable end. Even if you get the best medicine and treatment available, falling prone to depression will knock away half of your remaining years as well. It has been scientifically proven that mesothelioma patients who have undergone both physical and mental cures have had longer life spans than those who have only gone in for medication.

Mesothelioma Patients - 2

By now you must be certainly asking about the ways that this deadly condition can be cured. Well, to cut a long story short, there is no permanent and standardized cure for mesothelioma, and the sole reason for this is the fact that mesothelioma cannot be detected before decades of it has entered into your system. Also, many of the symptoms that are atypical of mesothelioma are not solely mesothelioma centric. Symptoms like shortness of breath, blood in the sputum, pleurisies or fluid in the lungs and so on. All these symptoms can be mistaken for a thousand other conditions. Of course, different forms of mesothelioma have their own specific symptoms, but again, most of them are not mesothelioma centric. For treatment, there is the usual stock of chemotherapy as well as radiation. Surgery is usually performed in the most drastic of situations, but is not that effective as the other two treatments mentioned. With chemotherapy and radiation there is a much higher incidence of being able to increase the patient’s lifespan by five years or more. With surgery that extension rate is much less. Again, there are other treatment methods like immunotherapy that has been making progress in this field as well.

Dr. Paul Sugarbaker has been a pioneer in the field of mesothelioma treatment for years. He has evolved new methods of surgery and ways of treating the carcinogenic cells by using modes of radiation and chemotherapy. He has been able to make immense progress in a field that had once been dominated by hopelessness and despair. He developed these methods at the Washington Cancer Institute. Doctors have also been searching for methods through which the condition can be detected at a much earlier stage, that is, a stage where the mutations will not have taken place yet. Asbestos takes over one’s DNA. Now you know why mesothelioma is rightly called the scourge of the 21st century…

Next comes the question of exposure. Mesothelioma was a rare cancer which is unfortunately losing its position as one, as day by day more and more people are revealed to be suffering from the condition. So how are such staggering numbers of people becoming exposed to such a deadly mineral? And if this mineral is airborne, why is every single person in this world not mesotheliomic by now? To answer these questions, let me take you back into time as history will reveal how many people fell prey to such atrocities and perhaps it is then that you will realize that human atrocities extend far beyond wars and genocide. Veiled by civilization, people and corporations have committed many crimes for materialistic reasons.

Mesothelioma Patients - 1

When we think of tragedy what is the first thing that comes to our mind? For over 90 percent of people all over the world, it is death. Yes, we are all scared of dying, and especially a painful death. In the movie, The Bucket List, Morgan Freeman, one of the main characters, says that when people are asked as to whether they want to know the date of their death in advance, most of them said that they did not want to know. So that is another factor, none of us want to know the day or our death in advance. But what happens if you are unlucky enough to know the fact that your days are, in fact, numbered? What happens then? It probably makes you braver than ever. This is because you do not have to live the rest of your days in fear anymore. Facing the prospect of death can suddenly make one brave. To believe that, look around you and observe the thousands of people who are terminally ill and are still enjoying every moment of whatever they have left.

That brings us to another element here. What terminal illnesses have you heard of? The common names are cancer, AIDS, leukemia, etc. Hearing these names probably fill you with a sense of dread. However, the world has more in store for us human beings. Welcome to the newest plague or scourge of the modern world. This is not AIDS. It is mesothelioma. The name probably does not strike a bell among all the "famous" diseases that you have heard of. Let us not call them diseases anymore. It sounds crude. These are all conditions that thousands of people suffer from. So, what IS mesothelioma, you may ask? And it isn’t even that widespread, so how can it pose a great threat to humankind at large? There is an answer to all of these questions.

First, mesothelioma is a kind of aggressive cancer that affects people who have been exposed to asbestos for extended periods of time, spanning years and decades. Asbestos fibers enter the body and penetrate the vital lining of various organs including the lungs, the cardiac as well as the abdominal cavities. These fibers penetrate the body, undergo genetic mutations and form new mutated cells which slowly metastasize or spread all over the body. Thus mesothelioma patients have asbestos fibers mingled within their cellular structure. And here you were thinking that genetic mutations only occur to young college kids in comic books who become super heroes after undergoing genetic mutation. This is not the Spiderman story. It is the story of thousands and thousands of people who have been subjected to one of the biggest atrocities in human history, but more of that later. There are three types of mesothelioma that affect people: Pleural (lung), Peritoneal (abdominal) and Pericardial (cardiac cavity) mesothelioma. Of these three, most patients usually suffer from the pleural because asbestos particles are usually airborne and enter the system while breathing. This cancer is aggressive, but has a very slow and extended gestation period.

2011 Mesothelioma

The symptoms of mesothelioma usually show themselves twenty to fifty years after their exposure to asbestos. Basically the cancer feeds into the system for decades before rearing up its ugly head. Basically children whose parents were exposed to asbestos are becoming afflicted in their late adulthood. Another thing that you should know is the fact that it is extremely contagious, in the sense that even if you have prolonged contact with a person who in turn has had a sustained exposure to asbestos, then you might contract it too. Technically speaking, the person who regularly does the laundry for a mesothelioma patient might contract it too. But as I said, the exposure has to be sustained over a long period of time.

To be continued.....

Effects of Mesothelioma Cancer

A layer made up of specialized cells or membrane called mesothelium covers the most of the internal organs. There are two layers of cells in mesothelium. Organs are surrounded by the first one which is surrounded by the second thick layer. Between these two layer a lubricating fluid is concealed which is produced by the membrane itself. This lubricant allows the organs to move smoothly against adjacent organs and structures (for example the expansion and contraction of lungs, beating of the heart etc…

Mesothelioma has different names according to the different location in the body. One of all those is peritoneum which covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity. Pleura is the membrane which surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity and tissue called as Pericardium covers and protects the heart.

In a disease known as Mesothelioma or the cancer of the mesothelioma, cells become abnormal and divide enormously and with out any order leading to the development of tumors. The tumors of the mesothelial cells can be non cancerous i.e. benign or cancerous i.e. malignant. As nearly all mesothelial tumors are malignant, cancerous mesothelioma is often just referred to as mesothelioma. They can spread and damage nearby tissues and organs too. Therefore the cancer cells may also metastasize from their parent location to other parts of the body.

The lining or membranes of certain large cavities in the body are get affected by the malignant 2011 Mesothelioma. Some major organs in the body such as heart, lungs, abdomen and others are housed by these cavities, known as the serious cavities.

Malignant mesothelioma undertakes 3 forms.

1) Peritoneal Mesothelioma: It is in the Peritoneum or membrane surrounding the abdomen.
2) Pericardial Mesothelioma: It is in the Pericardium or lining surrounding the heart.
3) Pleural Mesothelioma: This the most common form of malignant mesothelioma which affects the lining of the lung cavity.

Things to know about Mesothelioma diagnosis

2011 Mesothelioma

If the chest x-ray is suggesting malignant mesothelioma, it seems that more analysis will be ordered, particularly if reimbursement may be required.

The analysis may involve further imaging studies, blood tests, bone scans, and lung-function tests, with more persistent procedures like thoracentesis, thoracoscopy, pleuroscopy or lung biopsy. This is a standard diagnosis of mesothelioma.

Diagnosis of mesothelioma can be done through chest x-ray. The common abnormalities observed on chest x-ray of patients with malignant mesothelioma are pleural effusion that is a collection of fluid in the space between the 2 layers of the pleura, or sometimes it is known as pleural thickening.

Distinct from the lung cancer, there’s no relation between smoking and mesothelioma. Malignancies concerning mesothelial cells in these spread cavities are called as malignant mesothelioma that may be contained or spread. The word Mesothelioma describes a cancerous tumor which involves the mesothelial cells of an organ, normally the lungs, heart, or abdominal organs.

Mesothelioma symptoms may not show until 20 to 50 years after asbestos exposure. It is really crucial to diagnose mesothelioma, since its symptoms are much parallel to those of other diseases. A history of asbestos exposure may raise medical suspicion for mesothelioma.

A physical inspection is conducted, prior to chest X-ray and also lung function examination. The X-ray may expose pleural thickening normally observed after asbestos exposure if mesothelioma diagnosis is done.
Options of treatments, a mesothelioma diagnosis for the malignant mesothelioma management includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and multimodality treatment. Surgery in patients with disease limited to the pleural space is inexpensive.

A more extensive procedure that has a higher mortality rate is known as extrapleural pneomunectomy. Currently, the mortality rate has been decreased up to 3.8%. It includes analysis of the parietal pleura; splitting of the pulmonary vessels; and en bloc resection of the lung, pleura, pericardium, and diaphragm prior to reconstruction. It gives the maximum local control since it takes away the whole pleural sac together with the lung parenchyma.

The two surgical procedures employed are pleurectomy with decortication and extrapleural pneumonectomy.

Mesothelioma diagnosis may be daunting and may fright many individuals, except mesothelioma diagnosis can bestow you a fighting chance if can be diagnose in advance. Therefore make yourself a help if you believe that what you are undergoing from and had worked in an asbestos associated place of work.

The intention to such analysis in mesothelioma diagnosis is to make sure and to verify the kind of mesothelioma, to ‘stage’ the disease that is to measure how severe it is, and therefore to evaluate whether the disease is operable

Top 20 Ways To Diagnose 2011 Mesothelioma

1. One can start by reviewing the patient’s medical history. If he has a history of being exposed to asbestos, he is at greater risk for 2011 Mesothelioma.
2. A physical examination is a must.
3. The Cytology procedure can be effective in detecting if abnormal cell are present in the large amount of fluid. For pleural fluid, it is done with a pleural tap or chest drain, in ascites it is done with an ascitic drain, or paracentesis.
4. A biopsy is performed, to confirm the diagnosis. A sample of tissue is removed and observed under the microscope.
5. Imaging techniques have proved very effective in diagnosing Mesothelioma. For example, there is the X-ray, which reveals the fluid build-up, limited to either the right (60%) or left (40%) lung. Sometimes, a mass may be observed.
6. Computed Tomography (CT) scans are performed to define the pleural effusion, pleural thickening, pleural calcification, thickening of interlobular fissures, and possible chest wall invasion.
7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is performed to note the extent of the tumor, before aggressive treatment is carried out. These can provide images in multiple planes, so can identify tumors better. They are more accurate in checking the enlargement of the mediastinal lymph nodes, and the clear diaphragmatic surface.
8. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is used to diagnose and evaluate Mesothelioma. However, they tend to be more expensive, and are usually not covered under insurance.
9. Integrated CT/PET imaging determines surgical eligibility in Mesothelioma cases. The benefits of CT and PET scans are combined into a single scan, thus the stage is accurately determined.
10. A needle biopsy of the mass can be made.
11. The removal and examination of the fluid surrounding the lung may be used to determine and diagnose the presence of Mesothelioma.
12. Open pleural biopsy is recommended as a diagnostic procedure – the surgeon makes a small incision through the chest wall, inserts a thin, lighted tube (thoracoscope) into the chest between two ribs. A sample tissue is removed, to be reviewed under a microscope.
13. Peritoneal biopsy is another method – the doctor will make a small incision in the abdomen. A peritoneoscope is inserted into the abdominal cavity.
14. Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) is widely used today. It is a minimally invasive procedure, that makes biopsies of the pleural lining, masses, nodules and pleural fluid.
15. Pleurodesis (talc) for pleural effusions can be carried out.
16. Thoracentesis is a pdiagnostic rocedure by which the doctor puts a needle into your chest, to gently use suction to drain out the accumulated fluid.
17. Peritoneoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the abdomen through a peritoneoscope, which is put into an opening made in your abdomen.
18. During the pathological examination, the tissue is described, and placed in a plastic cassette. It is important to know the patient’s information and history. The cassettes are stored so that the tissue can be preserved permanently. It is processed into a paraffin block, thus the pathologist can slice off thin microscopic sections, which he will stain and study, during the diagnosis.
19. The immunohistochemistry process allows the pathologist to analyze and identify the cell type based on the binding of antibodies to specific components of the cell.
20. Positive markers are looked at.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mesothelioma New Treatment - Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is a new exciting treatment which has given hope to mesothelioma patients. Gene therapy reads the cause for proteins within particular cells produced them to be resilient to cancer whereas some cells do not. Before that, it was trusted that genes were total upon birth, and so as to they could not influence conditions afflicted throughout life. Yet this, ejected to not be the case. Since that time it has been learned that smoking, sunlight and particular foods may affect our DNA and modify our genetic code. This new approach presented by these conditions let doctors to look at many conditions such as malignant mesothelioma in a new light.

Many factors are there that play a part to mesothelioma. Asbestos exposure is the basic contributing factor, but genetic alteration in persons also make it worse. In mesothelioma gene therapy is a revolutionary treatment as it restores cancer causing genes with genes which are medically constructed to expire while exposed to cancerous growth. These genes called as ‘suicide genes’ are realistic means to reduce and perhaps prevent the quick replication of cancerous cells. Analysis are moreover beginning to start testing with replacement of cancer generating genes with genes vulnerable to particular drugs. It could let the cancer to be removed potentially with some side effects.

Even now the gene therapy is in its initial stages and is still not 100% reliable. Though, this anxious state suffered by mesothelioma victims, occasionally calls fro several experimental treatments. Any aspiration for surviving mesothelioma prevail over no of the risks involved.

Lawsuit For Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer of the chest, heart, and abdominal cavity. It is caused by asbestos exposure, moreover first hand from working usually in industrial sites that used asbestos or second hand by exposure with the clothes of a family member who worked on one of these sites. Because of it’s long latency period, 20 to 50 years, and as it’s early symptoms are much like to usual cold or pneumonia it is a very treacherous cancer. This cancer is really a very expensive and hard to cure. However, a mesothelioma lawyer may assist you to get the compensation allocated payable to you by the company that lay you to deadly asbestos exposure.

A mesothelioma lawyer may help you win the compensation you deserve in order that you and your family would not suffer the burden of the treatment expenses additional to the burden of having the cancer. Approximately, mesothelioma cases which go to test result in the donation of $6 million. Don’t you think it is worth to take a chance and see how much you can get ? Furthermore, the majority mesothelioma lawyers are on contingency fee, therefore they only take payment if they win the case, so even if in case you do lose, it will not compulsory for you to pay fro the legal procedures.

So, you are entitled to take your case to trial, if your mesothelioma was caused by exposure of asbestos. In addition, you are able to claim financial compensation from the asbestos business.

Top 19 Things You Should Know About Mesothelioma

The disease Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer that in most cases is caused by exposure to asbestos. The disease is characterized by the development of malignant cells in the protective lining of the body’s internal organs – this lining is called the mesothelium – hence the name Mesothelioma. However, it may occur in the heart, tunica vaginalis, or even in the pericardium (a sac surrounding the heart).

1. Prolonged exposure to asbestos can cause this disease, at least 30 to 40 years later.
2. The symptoms of Mesothelioma are shortness of breath (because of pleural effusion – which means accumulation of fluid between the lung and chest wall), chest wall pain, and weight loss.
3. The symptoms of peritoneal Mesothelioma are swelling in the abdominal area, weight loss, anemia, abnormalities in blood clotting, bowel obstruction, and fever.
4. Pain in the chest wall, fatigue, wheezing, and blood in the sputum coughed up are more symptoms of Mesothelioma.
5. When Mesothelioma has metastasized to the abdomen, the symptoms are pain in the abdominal area, weight loss, mass in the abdomen, Ascites (abnormal build-up of fluid in the abdomen), and obstruction in bowel movement.
6. Severe symptoms of the disease are blood clots in the veins (causing Thrombophlebitis), severe internal bleeding in the body’s organs, low blood sugar level, jaundice, blood clots in the arteries of the lungs, and pleural effusion.
7. Mesothelioma is developed by people who have inhaled asbestos particles in the workplace, or people who have suffered exposure to asbestos dust and fiber.
8. Many people make the mistake of thinking that Mesothelioma is linked to smoking, but it is not, however, smoking does increase the risk for other asbestos-induced cancer.
9. If you have been exposed to asbestos particles and have got Mesothelioma as a result, you can seek compensation from your workplace, by filing a lawsuit.
10. Another thing that you should know about Mesothelioma is that its diagnosis is done through chest X-ray and CT scan. The confirmation is done through biopsy and microscopic examination.
11. The prognosis of Mesothelioma is quite poor, even though treatment with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery is done.
12. The bone, brain, and adrenal glands are almost never affected by Mesothelioma.
13. Peritoneal Mesothelioma is defined as cancer of the abdominal cavity’s lining. It accounts for nearly one-fifth of all Mesothelioma cases diagnosed.
14. Like in most cancer cases, the prognosis for Mesothelioma depends on how early it can be diagnosed, and how well it is treated.
15. The diagnosis of Mesothelioma is sometimes difficult, because of the symptoms’ similarity to other conditions.
16. If the Mesothelioma is in the abdomen, the doctor performs a laparoscopy, to get tissue from there.
17. The serum osteopontin level has proved effective in some cases, for screening the people exposed to asbestos, for Mesothelioma.
18. Diagnosis of the disease includes a review of personal medical history, physical examination, chest X-ray, lung function tests, CT scan / MRI, etc.
19. Men are more likely to have Mesothelioma than women, and their risk increases with age.

Top 20 Symptoms Of Mesothelioma To Look Out For

To know about Mesothelioma symptoms, one must first know about the disease. It is a kind of cancer, which in most cases, is caused by exposure to asbestos. This particular disease is characterized by the development of malignant cells in the protective lining of the body’s internal organs – this lining is called the mesothelium – hence the reason for the name Mesothelioma. However, it may occur in the heart, tunica vaginalis, or even in the pericardium (a sac surrounding the heart). What cause Mesothelioma? It is caused by a prolonged exposure to asbestos, and the disease shows signs at least 30 to 40 years later. Some of the symptoms of the disease are of a general nature, but one must immediately report them to the doctor, for easy diagnosis and fast treatment.

1. The basic symptom of the disease is shortness of breath. One might feel short of breath, might even experience panting. This is due to pleural effusion, which basically means an accumulation or storage of fluid between the chest wall and the lung. Therefore, strenuous physical activity is difficult.
2. Another symptom of Mesothelioma is pain in the chest wall. This is usually of the dull-ache sort.
3. Watch out for a loss in weight, though this is a very general symptom, and can mean any other disease as well. Drastic weight loss should be reported to the doctor.
4. There are many specific symptoms to peritoneal Mesothelioma. They are listed as follows. Abnormalities in blood clotting are a major factor.
5. Bowel obstruction, or obstruction during bowel movement is another symptom of peritoneal Mesothelioma. This should definitely be reported to the doctor.
6. Swelling in the abdominal area is another symptom of peritoneal Mesothelioma.
7. This kind of Mesothelioma is also characterized by ascites – fluid in the abdomen.
8. Increased abdominal girth is another major symptom.
9. Fatigue and wheezing are characteristic of Mesothelioma.
10. Watch out for blood in your sputum, that you cough up. This is a very typical symptom of Mesothelioma.
11. There are certain specific symptoms when Mesothelioma has metastasized to the abdomen. One such symptom is obstruction in bowel movement.
12. Another symptom is pain in the abdominal area.
13. Mass in the abdomen is characteristic of Mesothelioma.
14. When Mesothelioma has reached the severe stages, there are many symptoms. One such is blood clots in the veins, this causes Thrombophlebitis.
15. There can also be internal bleeding in the internal organs of the body. This is caused by disseminated intravascular coagulation.
16. Jaundice, or yellow of the skin and eyes is another factor of severe Mesothelioma.
17. Watch out for low blood sugar levels. Do take regular blood sugar tests to determine the amount of sugar in your blood – so that you can be aware.
18. Blood clots in the arteries of the lungs, or “Pulmonary emboli” in scientific terms is another severe symptom.
19. Pleural effusion is another symptom.
20. Another symptom of severe Mesothelioma is ascites of a harsh nature